Extra wide clear lid with Black handle 3200 XL models 18322 18334 18336 18361 18363 ref on base of Machine. pusher not included, can be fitted on other 3200
Magimix extra large lid for Magimix Compact 3200xl food processor. Please check modelCustomer are asked to read this information beforeordering this product.If the machine is turned upside down, themachinenumber will be on rectangular plate this should say the following models,
This is a replacement for Compact 3100 after you have purchased upgrade only!
Magimix cuisine systeme 3200xl -18322,18334, 18336,18361, 18363.
The lids are easy to clean with warm water and washing up liquid, however they are also "dishwasher safe" they are safe to wash at 40c on the top rack, but you should try to avoid the drying programme, also you are advised to usepowders and liquids "suitable for plastics"rather than tablets as this will cause deterioration, marked, crazed, brittleor opaqueness,resulting in shorter life.this is the lid only, not the pushers,This lid is not compatible with the normal 3200 machine and cannot be used on any other Magimix food processor except machine intended